floating ground on ICs?

I'm about to embark on a DIY interconnect project - some have suggested a floating ground is a good idea - ie, connect the outershield to one end only, float the other - to draw noise away from the source components.
None of my components are 3 prong AC BTW -except maybe the TV. Is it safe to have an entire system that is just two-prong (sonographe/CJ SA250 is amp - uses hardwired zip cord - will upgrade that someday also.)

Anyone using floating grounds on ICS that can comment on the safety and sound issues ? Planning to make ICs for DAC > preamp and preamp > amp.

Showing 2 responses by herman

That would be a floating shield, not a floating ground. It's not a safety issue because you have to have a ground connection from one component to the other with single ended connectors or it simply won't work. It will however hum very loudly.

At a minimum you need 2 wires. The hot from the center pin of the RCA and a return (or ground) from the outer. Without these 2 it won't work. Some cables also have a shield around them that can be connected at both ends to the ground, or connected only at one end, or not connected at either end for that matter, but usually either one end or both.

Since you are building your own I would try it both ways and see if you can hear a difference.
I don't have any idea how many do it but it is an accepted practice. Since you are building your own you can easily incorporate small switches in a pair so you can connect/disconnect the shield to see if it makes any difference. Some claim it even makes a difference which end is floating.