Flexable Power Cables for PS Audio Stellar PreAmp/Dac S300 amp

I was hoping for suggestions on power cords that aren't stupid expensive. I had the PS Audio Stellar DAC/Pe-amp and Stellar S300 amp. I currently running both of them with Pangea Audio AC 14SE MKII Signature Power Cable with Cardas Copper. I was thinking of going up in size to 10-12 gauge? I have the  Pangea Audio AC 9SE MkII Signature Power Cable with Cardas Copper going to my Onkyo Surround 11 output amp. That 9SE is the worse flexable cable ever made. I regret purchasing it. I had to build side cable wooden holder for it.  It maybe good, but really really really REALLY STIFF!! So I don't want that for my Stellar's. I like shielded because my units are in a 3 way side entertainment center. It is hard to keep everything separated. Anyone have suggestions under $175 each of shielded power cables that can actually bend?  Thanks Scott

Showing 3 responses by lowrider57

Cullen Cable Crossover is a 12 gauge braided and shielded PC. Very flexible with a transparent sonic signature.
The Crossover II is a heavier cable for amps, but probably not needed for Class D.

Same result with the Pangea for me. Bought the original, sound was thick and murky like a bad stock cable.
Then bought the upgraded XL cable. Better but still not impressed; overly warm, lacking transparency.

I’d like to address this issue, @glow_worm. Pangea is well constructed and would probably provide service for years. As with all cables, design determines the synergy and performance in a system; conductor configuration, dialectric design and materials, terminations, I’m sure you know all this.
Two affordable superior PC’s that I found are Cullen and Signal cables.

I find power cables to have a significant impact on sonics if a system is at a certain level of performance.