Fleetwood Mac

Best band ever?

Anyway, I've been listening to self title, Rumors, and Tusk repeatedly the past 2 years. Can anyone recommend the next step in Fleetwood fandom? I'm not a huge fan of live albums, but will venture in that direction if absolutely necessary, ie Johnny Cash.
Sometime the early nineties I saw Fleetwood Mac and Lidsey Buckingham was not with them but he was replaced with two other guitarists (I do not remember who) and the two of them could not match what he did alone on any album. It was a boring show. A few months later I saw Lindsay by himself in concert and I swear he was better than Fleetwood Mac without him, it was a very lively show with much artistry. Fleetwood Mac just phoned it in (it seems) in comparison. Really too bad I missed them with LB.
The answer to the trivia question about DP and Abba is Frida sings on Beyond The Notes by Jon Lord of DP. She also sings on the live DVD. Both are excellent if you like classical and jazz.
I forgot I had started this thread... lots of good opinions and recommendations. Good to see at least a few people hold them in as high a regard as I do. I've ordered copies of both Bare Trees and Mirage, and will continue to diverge from the triumverate of the late 70's until it's either too bluesy for me (in the direction of Bare Trees) or overly poppy and lacking emotion (in the direction of Mirage). I might not get far in either direction.

"Say You Will"


Buckingham's "Gift of Screws"

are pretty sure to please you
They both bark up the tree you seem to prefer

I agree with some of the posts above - ABBA was the biggest and the best. They just were never marketed to Americans.