Fleetwood Mac

Best band ever?

Anyway, I've been listening to self title, Rumors, and Tusk repeatedly the past 2 years. Can anyone recommend the next step in Fleetwood fandom? I'm not a huge fan of live albums, but will venture in that direction if absolutely necessary, ie Johnny Cash.

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

I completely agree with Lloydc. They were not even close to being the best band ever. (I could easily name a hundred or so better bands.) I will readily admit that they were very successful, but then again, so was ABBA, Styx and other pop bands of that same time period.

IMHO, they were a decent, but not great, band, especially after the girls joined the group. (Before that they were not nearly as successful, but a much better band.)

Anyway, my two cents worth.