Flat Plasma: Worth the W.A.F. Premium?

Having just completed all of my homework to purchase a 34" direct view 16:9 HD TV, my girlfriend has declared that the flat plasma screen is the only thing she really wants in the bedroom. My first impression is that a) flat plasmas are way overpriced and b) the picture isn't really that great. Please correct me where I am wrong. Maybe the pictures are quite good? Especially as we are replacing a 13 year old NEC TV? Also, if I do succumb to her flat panel wishes, is there any consensus regarding the best value in the < $25,000 flat plasma screens? Thank you very much.

Showing 1 response by williamjmacdougallc374

Avguygeorge: Thank you. To clarify, I am torn between sticking with my original plans to buy the 34" HDTV widescreen (Maybe Panasonic, probably Phillips) and paying the WAF premium. I have not seen them side by side, but I am imagining that the TV picture would look much better than the plasma, especially one of the lower priced models around $8-10,000. If anyone has a clue, I would be very grateful for advice.