FLAC, WAV or AIFF question

I run audirvana plus on a Mac laptop in iTunes integrated mode. I have always downloaded AIFF hi Rez files. Another hi Rez site offers WAV and FLAC both in 24/96 resolution. Should I download the FLAC file since it takes up less room than the WAV file? Will my Mac recognize it even though I use audirvana for playback?

Showing 4 responses by sbank

The advice above (although accurate and well-intentioned) doesn't take your whole situation into account.

Audirvana+ in iTunes integrated mode will allow for you to play either FLAC or WAV files from within the iTunes interface. I suggest FLAC over WAV as far as download format to reduce hassle re: metadata. However, to make these files playable you need to add them to your Audirvana+ library. This creates a small pointer file that shows in iTunes and tricks iTunes into finding the FLAC or WAV files and playing them.

If you are running A+ version 1.x, this was the common way to go. However, version 2.x is a different world, because A+ now includes full database functionality when run WITHOUT iTunes integrated mode, and the sonic benefits are substantial. Granted, your might have some hiccups making the change to running without integrated mode, but IMHO it's worth it for:
- better sound quality
- no need to convert file formats
- no need add iTunes track to A+ library as described above

Downsides: Need separate new remote app for iphone/ipad control (works great, but I am still more comfortable with Apple Remote app)
Messy to restore some missing artwork after making the changes

If you just want to stick w/what you've got now, you can convert the FLACs to AIFF before you add them to your iTunes library using MAX or something similar, but that won't take advantage of the sonic improvements recently made with A+ 2.2 etc. Cheers,

Hew, very true. We need bitperfect rips.

For Mac, free app XLD guarantees bitperfect ripping, and points out errors if they occur. Sometimes cleaning the CD will correct errors found during rips.

Davide, AIFF is Apple created, but not really Apple-only, since most software programs will recognize it. Although I appreciate any "empire-crushing sentiment", when ripping my library I found that AIFF was a better compromise because of having family members who are Apple enthusiasts, apple-friendly car stereo etc. AIFF let me stay with lossless sonics and less conversions to do when sharing with family on or off shared network. Cheers,


Sounds like we are doing similar using A+2.x and YATE for tagging. A+ sounds much better with V2 and without iTunes integrated mode!

Still would argue that AIFF is advantageous over WAV just for it's better compatibility with ipods, etc. I've had trouble with WAV files not keeping needed tags. Nothing like moving a bunch of tracks onto your portable or phone and then seeing no titles when you want to select your tracks. Cheers,


Audirvana+ latest versions: 2.1 and later 2.2. When Damien introduced version 2.1, he built in major database functionality that now allows for control of your library without running in the "iTunes Integrated mode". Without iTunes running the sound quality improvement is large! Now there is a good interface so most users won't miss the iTunes navigation.
Many users still have their Audirvana running version 1.5, and I suggest they upgrade. There are a couple of discussion threads on computeraudiophile.com discussing improvement suggestions (many already implemented) etc. The A+ designer reads those threads regularly if you run into any issues or want to suggest something for the future. Cheers,