FLAC, WAV or AIFF question

I run audirvana plus on a Mac laptop in iTunes integrated mode. I have always downloaded AIFF hi Rez files. Another hi Rez site offers WAV and FLAC both in 24/96 resolution. Should I download the FLAC file since it takes up less room than the WAV file? Will my Mac recognize it even though I use audirvana for playback?

Showing 1 response by rhanson739

Most of my ripped CDs are in AIFF, except for the special ones that get a WAV copy.

FLAC, as noted, is not supported by iTunes. I use Pure Music, which does support FLAC via iTunes by creating a pointer to the files. I believe the only caveat is that once you import the FLAC files, you can't move them without breaking the link. Not a big deal; I just keep all FLACs in a special folder.

You could go with WAV, but there goes your metadata.