Fixing imbalanced hearing loss

Wrote a blog which I think many might be interested in.
This is totally brilliant! I bookmarked it.

Regarding hearing loss, I have always wondered if our eardrums have a passive way to protect themselves. After asking a hearing specialist, she said we do.

Listening to music with headphones or speakers at normal volume.

In the case of headphones, our ears are being bombarded with sound from a miniature driver that is situated very close to our eardrums. If external noise gets too loud (e.g. a ricer car with a loud muffler) then our ears can protect themselves to an extent. 

With speakers, non-music midrange sounds that are softer or at the same frequency are cancelled out or have lower sound intensity. 

Hearing loss is a strange and interesting thing. My Grandfather who is 85 years old can hear conversations from far-away distances. As a matter of fact, there have been times when only him and I heard a very faint alarm tone in the basement. We were on the 1st floor watching TV.