Fix of Shure V15 type Vmr

Just purchased a nice table with a Shure V-15 type Vmr mounted but the stylus was broken. My question: Are the after market stylus available online (usually made in Switzerland $50 or so)? OR better off having company (Sound-Smith) retip and replace the cantilever? and if this is done, have the basic service completed (for about $150)which brings it back to factory standards or pay for the upgrade (ruby cantilever) for $250 - I doubt I would consider putting more into it than this but wondered if anyone out here had experience that could point me in the right direction - last question is: worth doing at all? or is money spend just better directed towards another cartidge that would perform as well or better (I realize the V-15 has somewhat of a cult following) Thanks, Jon.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwhyland
I agree with the SAS Jico stylus. I replaced the original stylus on my V15TypeIIIHE with the SAS and really like it.
Dear Whyland: Thorman is spot on, the way to go is through Jico SAS:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Jico stylus @ ...Supposed to be as good or better than the Original...I think its around $150......