Fix Aesthetix Io volume control?

Hello audio friends, I have a problem with the right channel volume control of the Aesthetix Io. It sounds like the solder has cracked. I wonder if anyone has opened these controls and fixed them. Maybe not too difficult? Professional repair is far from where I live.
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Showing 1 response by nkj

Honestly do want to try your luck on this level of equipment? I wouldn't if you don't have good component level electronic trouble shooting skills.

This isn't your typical PAS 3 open for experimentation . You could potentially make a mess of it.

I can think of a number of scenarios where faulty connections on the VC may be suspected but would be far from the truth in terms of symptoms.

Find an authorized tech -you're getting arm chair advice from some that don't even know how sophisticated the VC contro really is!

I'm educated in EE and I would rather not touch mine if I had concerns, I don't have the prints and even if I did I'd have to float around between the print and PCB to familiarize myself. The 2nd one is always easier to repair when you learn on the first!

Good Luck