Five year plan: downsizing

OK, I know I need to sort out decades of collecting and keep only the best.  Which would you use?   Dynaco Mk 3 w preamp, Fisher 400, or Fisher x 101B. Note these all have premium tube mostly OEM and are 110%

Tuner: keep the Richard Modifierri rebuilt Fisher 1000 or the Radio X built Sansui TU X1 ?     I will keep the Merrill Heirloom table. No reason to have any of my tape units. I  have a good streamer. Oh, wyred4sound dac or the Parasound 2000.

Speakers: we must go with AR 1 and AR 3 ST supertweeters. 
So which amplifier set up with which tuner and what dac?   

Thanks for your review.


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