Fisher XP-44B speakers?

Hello everyone - I've had a pair of old Fisher XP-44B speakers for a little while now, and I'm wondering if anyone has any information on them.

I'm sure that they are nothing too special, but after searching around on the internet for a while, I'm coming up empty handed. I could post a couple of pictures if that would help.

really, I'm just curious to know more about what I've got.

thanks for any input,

Showing 1 response by jasonsobel


Thanks for your reply. It seems like a there is a fair amount of info regarding the XP line of speakers, but not too much regarding the XP-44B's specifically.

As it turns out, I didn't pick up that Fisher 500-b receiver. I decided that, at this point, it would have been too much money for me to get checked out and fixed up.

These XP-44B speakers, though, I've had them for years. I got them for free at a thrift shop, and I've been using them off and on throughout college and afterwards.

The speakers are in fairly good shape. Several scratches, but in perfect working condition, as far as I can tell. I've posted a few photos here:

They have a nice sound to them. With an emphasis on the lower mids, giving them a full, "warm" sound. However, I'm just getting into this game, and I don't have much experience listening to other speakers yet, so I can't accurately comment on how they sound compared to other speakers.

- Jason