fisher amp question.

hey there i have a old fisher x-202-b intergrated amplifier. i just purchased a turntable off a buddy. well the question is on the amp input selector button there is not a choice for phono. i wish i had it here but from memory it says col 1 col2 riaa1 riaa2 4'1/2" 6'1/2" and tuner and aux . im probably totally messing that up but anybody know off the bat what input i would hook a turntable too. ?

Showing 2 responses by eldartford

"Col" by the way stands for Columbia, and there was usually an "RCA" setting also. One preamp that I had, a Heathkit, had separate controls with multiple settings for "rolloff" and "turnover" frequencies (if I remember the terms correctly). These were for the HF attenuation and LF gain so that you could match whatever the recording company had used.
Clevelandhifi...Unless the Columbia record predates the RIAA standard (1950??) you should use RIAA.