Fish'in for Speakers

I'm sitting in my den on a rainy day,thinking about smaller speakers.The room size is 12x12x8. The walls are pine wood with 4 windows.Krell KSA-100 mk-ll amp, ARC Sp 9-mkll preamp,CD and TT sources, and Bigggg Mirage M1 speakers-really to big for this room,IMO.In your opinion, what speakers should I take a look at?Thanks for your help!!!!

Showing 1 response by natalie

A Coincident Triumph willwork very well. Will get you 95% of the RX 20 spound at 25% of the price.
I spent many hours listing to an RX 20. They are a very nice speaker. The Triupmhs at thier price point are hard to beat.If you have 2K to spend buy the Matching subs Israel makes for the Triumphs. They double as a Stand for the speaker.