Fish'in for Speakers

I'm sitting in my den on a rainy day,thinking about smaller speakers.The room size is 12x12x8. The walls are pine wood with 4 windows.Krell KSA-100 mk-ll amp, ARC Sp 9-mkll preamp,CD and TT sources, and Bigggg Mirage M1 speakers-really to big for this room,IMO.In your opinion, what speakers should I take a look at?Thanks for your help!!!!

Showing 1 response by ljgj

The Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde RX 20's will give you great sound in this room - I own a pair in a room a little bigger but have used them in this size area with very good results. They have great bass and full balance in all other areas. Nice looking. They retail for 4500 but on the Audiogon scene in the 2-2.5k range. Other suggestions here are also very good. These will , however, allow for bigger rooms if you should change scenes later.