First Watt SIT-3 proper speaker matches

I have a SIT-3. I understand that it mates best with 4 ohm loads. I’m trying to find out if the amplifier is compatible with some 8 ohm loads. I am considering the Focal Kanta speakers that are 8 ohms and dip down to 4. The Focal Sopra 1 have been reviewed well with a 12w Valvet singled end solid state. I know there are other factors aside from impedance and efficiency but I’m not clear on the topic.

Showing 1 response by brianhutch

My friend Ron who owns a large variety of mostly vintage Hi End equipment has recently bought a SIT-3 and to date after trying multiple combinations at home remains unimpressed.He brought it around to my place and we tried it with my home built very similar to Living Voice OBX loudspeakers and we both thought the sound was glorious and I thought slightly superior to my Pass Aleph O,s and at least the equal of the VAC 70/70,s although I did have to use more input gain than with either to achieve decent volumes.I am on the lookout for another Aleph O,s to Bi Amp and although the SIT-3 provided beautiful sound my plans have not changed.I am not sure considering the amount of changes I have made through the years that despite its obvious affinity for the Living Voice loudspeakers that I would be willing to spend that much money on an amp that locks you into a limited amount of future speaker choices.