First Watt: current vs voltage

Hi All,

I'm interested in giving First Watt a try. I have Audio Note AN-E speakers, which are efficient, I like SET sound, and I'm intrigued by the approach of First Watt.

However, in man places I read that First Watt are current amps (in opposed to voltage amps) and thus they can only be used with single drivers speakers.

Is this the case for all of them?

Is there a model that will work well with my AN-E?


Showing 2 responses by stanwal

I have always seen voltage source attached to amplifiers that are capable of a high output in amps and can increasing their output into lower impedence loads. IE Krell is a voltage source amp, a Quad 405 isn't.At least this is the usage in England that I have seen in reading HF mags the last 40 years.
I guess I was misled by the 405 output pattern, which was, according to a test in HIFI Choice no. 14: 115/90/32 on right channel and 115/81/28 on the left at one Kz at one percent distortion for 8/4/2 ohms. The Sansui 919 in the same issue did 145/217/288 and 164/210/264. The 8 ohm power is fairly close but the pattern is quite different. They commented " Steady state drive into low impedences was very well maintained, and on toneburst approched the theoretical 'voltage source' ideal. Since the 405 was so different I assumed it was not a voltage source amp.