First Tube amp suggestions

I am thinking of buying my first tube amplifier and really have no idea where to start.  Years ago I listened to a Sophia Electric  el34 amp (SET) driving a pair of Joseph Audio rm7si bookshelf speakers in a very well set up room and could not believe how sweet they sounded together for the price. (It really felt like James Taylor was in the room).  I regret that I never pulled the trigger on that system and do not know what a good entry level system would be nowadays.  I listen  mainly to male and female folk rock and an occasional classical or jazz album (Cd's and streaming from Tidal)  My current speakers are Triangle Borea BR03's  -90 db but am open to swapping them out. and the listening room is 14' x 20'.  There is a lot of internet chatter about low cost tube amps like the Reisong A12 and the mid priced Williston R8.  Are these amps worth buying or where should I start?  Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by pindac

Maybe not the best advice to somebody who wants to go down the tube route, but with myself being a die hard tube user for numerous years, there is a relevance to the suggestion.

I have heard over recent years SS Power Amp's that are in my view as attractive in use as a Tube Amp' that does not have noticeable bloom.

If you think bloom is your thing, (certainly not mine) and it has not been lived with for a period of time, when encountered and it is present with the capability to be perceived as being detected for a extended period. The bloom/coloration becomes a detractor and is fatiguing, that is how I react to it.

The impact on the the settlement into the musical encounter is no different to a harsh high frequency, the experience is not wanted to be endured, and shortening of the planned time for a session will be the outcome. 

I use tube equipment that in the world of tubes are on the transparent side of the scale. There are SS Class D Amp's that I have heard in A/B comparison and these are quite similar in how they evoke emotion and encourage a embracing of the musical encounter.

My suggestion if noticeable bloom/colouration is not being sought, would be to have a look at a B1 Korg Pre-Amp' to be paired with a Class D SS Power Amp. This will catapult one quite close to what a well worked out design for a Transparent Type of Tube Amp can offer, without any concerns for what owning Valve equipment carries.