First Test for tube bias on ARC Ref 110?

When is the appropriate time to first test biasing on the ARC Ref 110?
This is my first experience with a ARC amplifier and I have read that power tubes typically drift most in the early stages. What is meant by early stages? Any recommedations are appreciated. It has only just under 49 hours of use thus far, so far from even broken in yet...

Showing 5 responses by cmalak

It's surprising that Reference models of ARC do not have an auto-bias. Even if the most primitive autobias circuit is implemented, you don't have to worry about biasing for at least half of tube life. I don't clearly understand ARC philosophy beyond that.

The ARC sound is highly resolved, open and transparent. Any additional circuitry that does not advance those goals (or worse yet that detracts from those goals) is not included in their designs. Convenience vs. sound quality I guess is at the core of their thinking. That is my best guess at their thinking.
It's the best phrase to cut corners, but reality is different.

I am not sure I follow your logic. Why is the exclusion of a self-biasing circuit cutting corners, if your primary goal is to produce superlative sound from your products and if you believe that the inclusion of a self-biasing circuit takes away from your goal of producing superlative sound. I am not sure I follow Marakanetz.
Marakanetz...I suggest you read what Microstrip has to say. I fully concur and any self-respecting tube amp designer will tell you the same. All the added microprocessors and digital circuitry will detract from the sonic quality. If you think Audio Research that has been in business for 30 years with too many awards and industry acclaim are cutting corners by excluding a sel-biasing circuit than I don't know what to tell you.
Marakanetz...Thank you for your reco of the Quicksilver amps but I am very happy with my crappy ARC Ref 110. It offers horrible sound performance because it does not have an auto bias circuit. But I guess I will just have to do without it. The Ref 110 has gotten awful reviews and 0 awards from all the various audio publications. It is clear to me now that it has to be the absence of an auto bias circuit that explains it all. Oh yes, ARC was trying to save a couple of hundred dollars on a $11K unit because they are in the habit of cutting corners. Their audio engineers are amateurs and they have no clue.

All the best.