First Sound Presence Deluxe - Mk. 2 Owners

I just received delivery of this preamp and all I can say is WOW. I was wondering if any fellow owners have suggestions for power cords. As you all know the cord that comes stock is rather humorous.

Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by cenline

I think the rec of the virtual dynamic is accurate,I also run VD and know that the master would eat the Elrod and the Shunyatas.I have had both and the VD gives way cleaner power with no colorations,it will take 2-3 days for the components to get rebiased to the new cords.I owned a MK11 and felt that it is one of the best linestages in existance,also use the cardas caps for unused inputs if you live in a rf environment.Also try the Nos tubes since they make a huge difference in the soundstaging and dynamics-Take care Dennis