First "real" TT...

Hey all, I am looking at buying my first "real" TT, and I need some advice. I have a cheapo stanton str8-20 TT that I got at guitar center for $120 a couple years ago, just to play a few of my old man's records. I've recently found myself listening to it alot, and am starting to notice it's shortcomings. It has a Audio Technica "universal" $30 cart. So, as you can see, I have a pretty low-end setup. I'm looking for a new-to-me table and cartridge. Total budget: $500.
I've been looking at Pro-ject's Debut III, Rega Planar 1, various Thorens (used), technics 1200(used). I keep finding conflicting reviews of all these things, and honestly I don't know a damn thing about cartridges. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Nick

Showing 6 responses by napalmblast

I found a SOTA Satellite w/ an Audioquest tonearm for <200. Am I mistaken or is this too good to be true?
well it's on ebay, i just bid it up to 300, and was already outbid. and now i notice it still has 4 days, so it will go much higher.
Cerrot- ask your wife if she'll win that thing for me for $301! :)

Hifimaniac- Is the P-1 comparable to a music hall 2.2? there's one on audiogoN for 250, w/o a cartridge. I'm thinking that would work well, leaving me 200 or so for a cart. That's where I'm really not sure what I want....cartridges.
gentlemen. I took vegasears advice and got a SL-MK1210. I found it at a pawn shop for $175! Obviously this was a DJ table, cartridge was ruined, antiskate was up all the way, and it was dirty. But, everything works, speed is dead on, and I can't hear any rumble. Other than a bit of grime, the tonearm seems perfect to my uneducated eyes. It doesn't have any looseness, VTA and counter weight adjusts work smoothly, and if there's any bearing friction, I can't feel it, and could on the last one I had.
Now I need to know if there is anything else i should be checking for, problem-wise; and I need to decide on a cartridge. I since I saved a bit of money, I can get a slightly better cart, anything up to $200. I think I've narrowed it down to the following:
AT 440MLa
Ortofon 2M Blue
Goldring G2200
Grado Silver 1 Prestige
Since no response since I mentioned the cartridge, I went ahead and got the Denon DL-110.
I am happy with the sound so far, but distorted electric guitar sounds mushed and strange. Bass, Vocals, Cymbals sound better than anything I've had in the past! Is my cheapo phonostage the problem here?