First phono stage upgrade

Hi everyone,

Looking for some perspective on upgrading my phono stage.

I got a Rega RP8 and a Vincent PHO 8 as a first step into analog a few years ago.

My Exact cartridge got damaged during a recent move so I sought out advice here on a replacement.

I traded in my Exact for the Ania Pro and arranged to sample some phono stages at a local shop.

After replacing the cartridge, they demoed my table with Musical Surrounding Nova III and a Black Ice Audio F159.

After several hours, the sales guy says they're closing up in a few minutes and asks if I would like to try these units at home.

I ended up taking just the Nova III with both the stock Wall Wart and optional ($650 ish) power supply.

I wanted to A/B test the power supplies first.

Then A/B test against the F159.

Are these units (or this "range") a good next step?

Am I shooting too high or low?

Still very new at this.




Showing 2 responses by lohanimal

@dayglow Rega Aura best under $10,000. That’s some serious claim. I personally have a soft spot for those made by Whest - I have their first one and assume the later ones are better still. If you can get hold of one - find a second hand Vendetta scp2a. I will say that phono stages vary hugely - most good dealers will lend you one so take that up and trust ur ears


Given your system specifics and your ear I see your logic.

I considered and auditioned a P9/RB1000 but bought an Amazon Model One with a Moerch. I do think that it's good that Grand Prix Audio and Rega follow the low energy storage model and the idea of making the deck smaller and more minimalist - most technology moves in the direction of making things smaller. It's not the sound for me. This highlights the question of the OP and the need to hear a different phono stage in your system. :)