At some point this winter I'll likely purchase Pink Faun I2S card, or hopefully JCAT comes out with I2S card.
Comparison then becomes:
1. Present setup is server-Roon core, streamer-Sonore OpticalRendu-Roon endpoint. Server>Sonore OpticalModule>Optical Rendu>Denafrips Gaia via usb>006 or Harmony via I2S (all components fed power from external lps).
2. Server/streamer with JCAT or Pink Faun I2S card-now contains both Roon core and Endpoint>006, Harmony via I2S. The Pink Faun or JCAT card will be utilizing external lps vs motherboard supplied power.
So No. 2 setup so much simpler, get rid of three components and their attendant lps and cabling, no more usb.
Question is simpler better? Less complexity means less chance of added noise, but then optical conversion completely eliminates transmission of upstream noise. How does Pink Faun (or possible JCAT) I2S compare to Gaia I2S? Gaia has added burden of optimizing usb.