First bi-amp go around

  The other day I purchased some new to me monoblock amplifiers. They sounded good enough but felt kinda meh to me for the money spent. I was wondering what to do with my modified hafler that was sitting in the basement. Didn't want to part with it. Felt guilty about letting it sit there. Why not bi-amp? Have read about it but never done it. I had to make a set of xlr to rca interconnects. Extra speaker wires were already to go. So I hooked it up to my psbs via hafler on the top connections, the monoblocks to the bottom connections. The result. WOW! Very big improvement. If anyone has ever contemplated attempting bi-amping, I highly suggest it. Especially if one has equipment sitting around collecting dust and are seeking a different sound. Separation of instruments is the best way I can describe the sound improvement.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

The result. WOW! Very big improvement. If anyone has ever contemplated attempting bi-amping, I highly suggest it.

There are two ways of passive bi-amping.

1: If you have two different stereo poweramps amps, the only way is horizontal bi-amping, put the best sounding one on the mids and highs, and the one with the biggest "nads" on the bass.
(But you need to have a volume control (passive) on the amp that has the highest gain so you can reduce it to equal to the other amp in level (gain), then use you preamp or source as the master volume control.}

2: This is the best sounding way. If you have two identical amps then vertical bi-amping is the best, as the power supplies of both amps are available for both speakers for bass duties, and this is what should give superior bass control as well. (And no need for level control on one as they are the same gain.)

Cheers George