Firewire immune to jitter?

I wonder if a firewire connected DAC is as problematic at rejecting jitter as a USB is and if there are reclockers available for firewire.

I currently have a MacBook pro running Audirvana+ feeding a Weiss DAC202 to it’s firewire input with satisfying sonic results. I really like the DAC202. Firewire cable is an Audiquest carbon.
But, would I be best to use the USB out of the Mac using a USB to S/PDIF converter into the rca input of the Weiss. I use to have one of those (a Wavelength I think) feeding an ARC DAC7 that could not process HR files through its USB input. I have since sold the DAC7 and gotten the Weiss.

I was also considering replacing the Mac with an Aurender N100h (Or similar) but many people are telling me that I must be prepared to spend mega bucks to better my current digital set up. 
Cost of an Aurender N100h or N100c
Cost of a new DAC (USB capable) but not necessary if using a N100c 
Cost of a reclocker (Synchromesh or similar)
Cost of USB, S/PDIF/BNC cables

I barely have enough money for an Aurender let alone all the peripherals mentioned above.

Note, I am not into MQA and DSD and will never be. If I want better sound than 16/44 or 24/96 I just put a vinyl on my $30k analog front end. 

Any thoughts much appreciated. And if the best solution is to leave everything as is then that’s cool too.


Showing 1 response by kijanki

In synchronous S/Pdif , even when source and the DAC clocks are different DAC adjusts its clock to follow average rate of the source.  This is usually done with PLL, that often introduces its own jitter.  In properly executed asynchronous USB clocks are completely independent.  Source is sending data in frames at about 1 kHz rate while DAC places them in the buffer and sends back buffer under/overflow signal, to which source adjusts number of samples in the next frame.  With this scheme amount of jitter depends only on the quality of internal DACs clock.  I suspect that Firewire uses similar method.