firewire IEEE1394...

I guess this is a standard for digital data standard as apposed to propritary...

Be what is it for? Where and how does it used?

some of the DVD players come with it...

DVD-A & SACD only output analogue signals for the copy protection thing... unless propriatary approach such as Denon D-link or Meridian MHR that only works betweeen their products.

so... Is is just for the futre.. in case something happens in the futrure?
I just learned that Digital audio signal can be transfered with copy protection mechanism just like DVI/HDMI works if both the player and pre-pro/receiver has the interface.

all the digital audio signal forms PCM, DVD-A and SACD.

it can eliminate the 6 cable for DVD-A or SACE but,
Is it suppoed to be better than coaxial for redbook playing?

I see some of the players coming out with it, but non of the pre-pros or receivers so far...
it is the Apple equivelent of USB2 for PCs so will be here for a while in that capacity...
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