Fired up the TT for the first time

Finally fired up my new setup. OH MY GOD!!!.I'd swear that Joni was in the room. It kills CD, except for SACD. Once my VPI cleaner comes, I can listen to the rest of my collection.

Rar1 I find the allure of vinyl to be primarily in the area of dimensional realism. There is a "fullness" to the sound, even in modestly priced equipment, that I have not heard from digital.

Walk into a vinyl store and listen for yourself. If you like what you hear, great, if not that is fine too. Go for what turns you on.

Keep in mind that what you hear in the vinyl store will probably be at the lower end of what vinyl is capable of.

I have not heard any super high-end digital with the exception of limited exposure to SACD. SACD was very nice and I will probably purchase a SACD player some day.

I am very glad that I did not dispose of my LP's even though I sold my equipment years ago. The limited availability of current music in LP format is also an issue for many.

I hope this post has not come across as condescending, I am just trying to give my perspective. There are also other facets of vinyl enjoyment that I have not touched on here. God bless.
I have LP pressings that I purchased new in the 1960's, and were played on a regular basis by my Thorens TD125 and SME arm with Ortofon MC cartridge. This was extreme high end for that era and was a remarkable investment, as it protected the life of my vinyl. Even to this day, none of my records show objectionable levels of noise or reduced quality, even with my Walker table and arm, fitted with a Koetsu Rosewood Platinum Signature.

At one of my most recent music sessions, we played several albums by the Doors and Jazz by Dave Brubeck. These LP's were originals from my 60's collections. One listener commented that he would mistake the signal to noise (quietness) and sound for a SACD or CD, except that the LP was killing both formats on quality.
Well I had been living with the Sony SCD-777ES for 8 months
now. I was impressed with SACD not until I replaced my VPI
HW-19 III with JA MICHELL Gyrodec SE. It was explosive smokes the 777ES. The combination of vintage Western Electric 300B triodes and vinyl is mind bogling. And by the
way for me it's a must to step-up transformer for MC cartridge. I use it on the Koetsu Black mounted on Graham 1.5T.