Fired up the TT for the first time

Finally fired up my new setup. OH MY GOD!!!.I'd swear that Joni was in the room. It kills CD, except for SACD. Once my VPI cleaner comes, I can listen to the rest of my collection.


Showing 2 responses by wellfed

I expect to get back into vinyl after a many year absence from both high-end audio and vinyl. My timetable is approximately within the next 6-9 months. I will be using an Atma-Sphere modified Empire 208 table, probably with Graham 2.2 arm. I am looking for cartridge recommendations. I listen to most music types. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. God bless.

P.S. I would enjoy receiving any commentary on how the Origin Live modded Rega's would sound in this setup.
Rar1 I find the allure of vinyl to be primarily in the area of dimensional realism. There is a "fullness" to the sound, even in modestly priced equipment, that I have not heard from digital.

Walk into a vinyl store and listen for yourself. If you like what you hear, great, if not that is fine too. Go for what turns you on.

Keep in mind that what you hear in the vinyl store will probably be at the lower end of what vinyl is capable of.

I have not heard any super high-end digital with the exception of limited exposure to SACD. SACD was very nice and I will probably purchase a SACD player some day.

I am very glad that I did not dispose of my LP's even though I sold my equipment years ago. The limited availability of current music in LP format is also an issue for many.

I hope this post has not come across as condescending, I am just trying to give my perspective. There are also other facets of vinyl enjoyment that I have not touched on here. God bless.