Fired up the TT for the first time

Finally fired up my new setup. OH MY GOD!!!.I'd swear that Joni was in the room. It kills CD, except for SACD. Once my VPI cleaner comes, I can listen to the rest of my collection.


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For what it's worth..if anyone is searching for high-buck
vinyl sound...on a budget, try to find a used Townshend
Audio MkIII Rock turntable. It is the one with the damping
thing on the cartridge end of the arm...and comes with an
improved version of the RB300 (RB600?) arm. This table
was well reviewed some years back in Fi... The whole thing
is built into a version of the seismic sink. Set up with
a top Grado or Benz is a good way to get into..or stay in
analog without spending 3 to 5k. You also get to use your
own choice of cable via high quality RCA jacks on the back
of the sink.