Fired up the TT for the first time

Finally fired up my new setup. OH MY GOD!!!.I'd swear that Joni was in the room. It kills CD, except for SACD. Once my VPI cleaner comes, I can listen to the rest of my collection.


Showing 1 response by rar1

I am not looking to start a war or anything like that ... just looking to share honestly and see what might be wrong with my memory. As I remember the vinyl experience, it was always a function of how good your taping facilities were. Even with good gear, and my vinyl gear was at least mid-fi most of the time (Technics/Dual/B&O/Shure/Grado/ Discwasher, etc.), the first time I would listen to an album, I would also make a tape copy and I would listen to the tape most of the time. I (and lots of others) would do this, because records just scratched up and acquired noise way too easily. CD was a godsend, for this reason alone. What precisely has changed ... or maybe nothing and my recollections are just off ? I would buy both normal editions, as well as audiophile pressings. Thanks.