Finger Print Removal on Aluminum Faceplates

I have a amp in perfect condition with the minor exception that it does get some finger print "oil" marks on the front mounted power switch. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning aluminum faceplates of finger print marks. In particular, I have other units that only have silkscreen labeling on the faceplate. So consideration of the not extremely durable silkscreening needs to be taken into account. Any help appreciated.

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Kind of related question to someone out there. I often see thin plastic film attached to LED window when a NEW electronics equipment is sold, obviously to protect from scratch while transportation. I wonder whether that kind of film, or other form, can be obtained (hardware store?) so that the shiney (aluminum or chrome) faceplate is protected from "fingerprint" during the daily use. It sounds ridiculous, but may be good to protect the re-sale value. Anyone?