Finding Power Amp for Cabasse Murano

I have a chance to purchase Cabasse Murano quite cheap ($2000). So I’m finding a power amp for these beautiful speakers within $3000. Moreover, I will use DMP-A8 as the Streamer/DAC/Preamp.

The speaker spec:

  • Frequency Response: 48 Hz – 24 kHz
  • Efficiency: 87 dB/W/m
  • Nominal Impedance: Compatible with 8 ohm (lowest 3.8 ohm)
  • Crossover Points: 800Hz and 3.5kHz
  • Cabinet Design: Ported
  • Power Handling: 150 watts nominal, 1,000 watts peak

Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

Those are hungry speakers.  I would be looking at something large class A/B design.  I would be tempted, depending on where you live, to find something in the secondary market.  I have had good luck finding Nelson Pass designs.  One Threshold and one Nakamichi.  Both sound wonderful.  Another option would be places like "The Music Room" or "Audio Classics".  They go through things to make sure you aren't buying duds and have their own return policies.  I have bought from both in the past with no issues on some McIntosh, Audio Research, Rega and Sonus Faber. You can get lots more and $3k in the amp world can be a rough find. 

Here's a few possibles: