Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass

I sold my older powered sub a while back. reasons-

1. It did not integrate well.

2. I was pretty satisfied with my 2 speakers bass output.

3. Was big, heavy and ugly.

After traveling around the counrty and listening to home systems put together by people who know their way around the industry I realized they all have something I did not. A well integrated bass array.

So what does a bass array add to a 2.0 system?

This is where words fail but I will try:

-Increased Involvement in the listening experience

-More enjoayble sound stage

So if you are like I was, a sub denier, I suggest you try one small

sub, as I did, and see what you experience. My $500 REL T5x experience

did it for me. Now I will buy a second one.



Showing 1 response by jrpnde

Using a sub(s) is a topic that has no end as to whether to use one or not and how to integrate one into a system to produce the sound a listener prefers. I have posted this link in several post replies. Whether you are an expert on subs or not it's an article well worth reading. Quite lengthy but if you have the patience to read it you may gain some useful info......