Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass

I sold my older powered sub a while back. reasons-

1. It did not integrate well.

2. I was pretty satisfied with my 2 speakers bass output.

3. Was big, heavy and ugly.

After traveling around the counrty and listening to home systems put together by people who know their way around the industry I realized they all have something I did not. A well integrated bass array.

So what does a bass array add to a 2.0 system?

This is where words fail but I will try:

-Increased Involvement in the listening experience

-More enjoayble sound stage

So if you are like I was, a sub denier, I suggest you try one small

sub, as I did, and see what you experience. My $500 REL T5x experience

did it for me. Now I will buy a second one.



Showing 1 response by b_limo

Yep, well integrated bass that is quick and tight and something that will play low (25hz) is a game changer.  It adds so much to the music including the mids, highs and soudstage.  Theres quite a bit of music that benefits from a sub, even in the midrange.  There are times were a solo vocalist has tones that go really low.  Somegimes it might just be that they blew into a mic to hard but it actually adds to the music.  Its hard to explain but once you here the bass in parts of the music, you can't unhear them.