Finally!!! I just purchased some Aerial Acoustics 7T speakers! How do I power them???

I am very excited as i just placed my order for my Aerial Acoustics 7T speakers.  Now i am trying to figure out if the associated equipment I have is suitable for driving them.  I am currently running an Anthem MRX-710 and a B&K Reference 7270 THX amplifier.  I am replacing Aerial 7B's but I will be keeping my Aerial cc3B center channel speaker.  

My systems is truly a 50/50 split between music and movies, but I do LOVE my home theater.  Do you all think that the B&K amplifier will do these speakers justice?  (I am only using 3 of the 7 available channels suds there should be plenty of headroom...)

I don't see myself changing out the Anthem MRX-710 any time soon, so what do you all think I should do with the amplification stage?  Just use the Anthem receiver? Keep the B&K Reference 7270 MkII amp? Upgrade to a new amp?  ( I am considering a Krell Chorus 5200... thoughts on the synergy between this and the Aerial 7T's?)  I am completely open for realistic opinions (I can't spend $10K on amps for these) for a multi-channel amp to power them.

Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say here.  Thanks in advance!!

Showing 9 responses by bi0drainx9

A Theta Dreadnaught or enterprise monos would be my suggestion(look at the bruiser on avsforum).. .. I am a big fan of Theta/Aerial

As are others(look on Avsforum)

On a Secondary note some of the same design team built the Classe Sigma amps(I have a Sigma amp5 on my center. surrounds), and There are closeouts on the amp2 / amp5

On the Budget side of things, the closeout sigma amp5s also by a similar design team would be perfect
Own Citadel 1.5s with Snell Xa90PS
IF You do decide to go either Theta Route, there is a LONG!!!!!! break in time, My 1.5s didn't sound their best until the +500 hour mark.(I was skeptical myself )... but that is the case!.. 

My Short List of suggestions
Theta Citadel, Enterprise and dread
Classe Sigma Amp2 / Amp5 
The Monoprice 7x200 designed by ATI and Morris

One thing to be sure of with any of these amplifiers is that You don't need shorting pins for the balanced connectors, or they don't sound their best off a fully balanced pre...

If you have the clearance and rack for that TAS7.. It would be another option on my list as well....

I Went Citadel 1.5 for my mains and Sigma Amp5 for my center and surrounds(Thermals were a concern)
The 350.8 Would be Another option for Stereo...The One consideration for any of these amps.... is if they REQUIRE balanced connections, or shorting pins and heat concerns.
The Tas was a Dagustino design with the same concerns as the rest of the line(Thermals, power and weight)... I would use a dedicated circuit for it, make SURE you have the shorting pins for each channel, I am not sure if that one was switchable or not
(Pins) or you will need to pick up some of the Cardas pins
And Make sure with Dan at Momentum that these are still supported repair wise.

I don't have Aerial 7b, I have Snell XA90PS and I am only using the Sigma Amp5 for a center and surrounds.

As Far as the Thetas go... Aux is right they are super neutral.
I wouldn't be against the TAS7 Its just the right rack(Sound anchors maybe), dedicated power and a known parts path in the future.
I meant the old one, for some reason, I remember a Sound Advice advertising it as a TAS7 most likely in error.. where I got the 7 from ...........But I meant the Theater amplifier standard, not the XD.

The Older Krell / D`Agustino Designs (By clarification)... I never owned one... Just remember seeing them. I Think I was getting 7 in reference to the HTS 7.1 actually tho.

Yes.. You should calll Michael Kelly and ask About the SR surrounds, and the respective center and Sound Anchors(A stand He used for the SW, model 9, the SDACC as well).. Call and ask