finally have purchase approval

Hi All,

Since I got rid of my JM Labs over a year ago (very sad about that) I've been living without a decent music system since then. I was seriously eyeballing Vandys and seperates last year, just before....

Well, a lot has changed. We close on our new home next week, and our daughter is now 3 months old (and very cute I must add!) Anyway, since we'll be a bit house poor for the forseeable future, my most-excellent wife has given me the go ahead to purchase a VERY MODEST system. I can't quite afford the JMs this time around, so I need your help.

I have quite specific needs here -

1) Cheap/but decent, i.e. SWEETSPOT
2) This system will split time between movies and music, so I need processing and center channel at least; 5.1 would be nice, but not absolutely necessary, 3.1 will do
3) I will be running a reciever for amplification, probably a Denon.
4) My main source will be Apple Lossless Compression.
5) Cherry veneer is a big-time plus...I really don't want to bring something with low WAF into the house, and our custom entertainment unit (that houses a 40" Sony Wega) and coffee and end tables are all solid cherry.
6) Effiency is important because side-jobs will allow me to run the mains with Tubes before too long (hopefully).

My music taste ranges from A-Z.

Got all that? Having given the requirements, here's what I have been looking at so far:

monitors and a center. I am not opposed to floorstanders, but there are many more choices in the monitor market, plus a sub. I'm hoping to get lucky with a good REL or Vandy for that.

1) Epos - this stuff is really inexpensive. Is there a bad reason for that?
2) Triangle - like the JM Labs, they are French, detail oriented speakers and also very affordable.
3) Totem - the best lookers in the bunch and again, affordable

Used on A'gon is the way for me to go here to get the best bang.

Can you please give me some more options to look at? Please don't suggest stretching the wife will lock me out of Quicken in a hurry. 8^)


Showing 4 responses by zstokes

Hey Slappy,

Probably around 2K. I certainly considered the Chorus line. The only problem is finding them used. My wife is letting me use a small portion of the profit from the sale of our Condo to buy this stuff...if I don't do it now, it's gone.
So, there's the dilemma. Toughy eh?

So how about this -

Right now there's a pair of Chorus 710s right here on A'gon for $425. I just sent him email.

I'll put in a request to buy the Chorus CC700 and a pair of SR700s. These should be inexpensive enough to pick up in a little bit I guess...

There's an Arcam AVR 100 for sale for $475 right now. That sounds like a good deal to me...I'd like to go with the Denon 3805, but for almost a third the cost, the Arcam will do just fine. I agree that 3.1 will do fine for starters.

These two components will allow me to try to pick up a Vandy 2Wq for low end (We're moving OUT of the Condo and INTO our first home! WooooHoooo)

Because I'm bargain shopping, I MIGHT even be able to squeeze something like an Audio Aero Prima for 2-channel. This would be a bonus.

Thanks for bringing me back to the light Slappy! I really do miss my Cobalts, so if I can back to, maybe 80% of those, I will be happy. I'm actually really happy that I saw the 710s today.

I'll do that and again I thank you! I think I got a little caught up in review-itis for a few days, and overlooked the Chorus stuff because the reviews weren't as stellar as some other stuff, and for that I should be spanked.

I already have a Sony 40" XBR Battletank (326lbs!!!) for my video, so that part has been done for a while. The picture is fantastic, esp. with HD.

I'm really excited about setting up this system - it's been a long time since I was able to throw on a CD or a movie and 'get lost'.