Final Retirement Amplifier-Class A-Upcoming Gryphon Essence Stereo vs Accuphase A75

Thinking about one last major amplification upgrade. Specifically looking at the upcoming Gryphon Essence vs Accuphase A-75 class A amplifiers. 
I realize that the Gryphon Essence has not been released yet, but it is said to sound similar, albeit less powerful, to other more expensive Gryphon class A models. So, it is more a question of the sonic differences of Accuphase vs Gryphon class A amplifiers.  I’d kindly appreciate all opinions. Thank you!

Showing 3 responses by schelle100

A comparison Essence Stereo vs Accuphase A75 would still be very helpful. Essence seems to be a great amp but how does it compare against a benchmark such as a75? I heard A75 is more powerful but maybe less resolving
Hi eagle333, have you heard how the essence stereo compares against the larger Gryphon Class A amps (eg Antileon Evo)?
This is a much higher price class. I am sure this amp would struggle against Antileon evo... But this is my opinion. Sure, a great device.
The question is Essense vs a75 or other power amp (20k EUR)