Fidelity Research FR64s Headshell dilemma

Dear FR64S users can you help me please. I have an FR64S that i bought without a headshell. I have only just got round to getting it mounted. I did pivot to spindle distance of 231.5 (the alternative distance' I also have an armboard for 230.
I tried a Sony headshell that i had - it was 2mm short of correct alignment. So I bought a new Jelco headshell it was also too short. 
CAn you tell me what headshell does work to allow other cartridges to work. I'm just using a DL103 for alignment first as I fettle the rest of my front end.


Showing 1 response by ct0517


The factory headshell does present a dilemma - if you do not have one.
From the FR64/66 owners manual.

The distance from the front of the head shell to the stylus tip should be adjusted so that it is 7mm.


Now a "dilemma" for me, when I owned this tonearm, was that the designer goes on to say.

A difference of 1mm more or less in this distance will not present any practical problems.

So why are you guys going to what appears to be great effort in detail for measurements, when it appears the designer himself, based on the design of this tonearm, did not think that a couple of millimetres either way, was that important ?



Nikola - No chemical implications re: username. I joined this forum on May 17, some years ago.