Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54

In a prior discussion, I had asked about tonearm suggestions for a Luxman PD-441 table that currently has a Denon DA-307 tonearm and Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Many suggestions were provided.  A Fidelity Research FR-64 was suggested as a simple replacement.  I'm wondering if the FR-54 would also be good, being that it is mentioned in the Luxman manual in the same category as the Denon arm on there now?

Showing 3 responses by andrew9405

After after years and years of Raul's posts, I've learned it's best just to take them with a grain of salt. 

Alongside a slice of lemon and ounce of tequila. 

Bartender, another one for me and one for my buddy lewm. Actually, make it a double.