Fi Elemente Pagode Master Ref amp platforms

Anyone had any expirience with them ? I'm thinking about getting the Pagode Master Reference HD09 to put under my amps.

I have read many rave reviews about Pagode Reference racks and personally use the Finite Elemente Cerapuc under my amps (with great results).

They look cool, too.

Showing 4 responses by hooper

If you're shopping in that range, also consider the Silent Running Audio Craz. I owned the Master Ref and, after hearing the two side by side, replaced it with the Craz and haven't looked back. The build quality is beyond incredible. Unless SRA upgrades it, my Craz will be in my room until God comes knockin'. :)
I didn't see that your question was about the Master Ref amp stands, not the rack. I still stand by SRA recommendation, though. Their component bases are second to none, in my experience.

The biggest change I noticed was in the amount of energy I heard. With my gear on the SRA, the music popped and crackled (not literally, of course!) in a way it just didn't with the Master Ref. It had a sense of vitality and dynamic "aliveness" the F-E couldn't match. My friend, who probably has better ears than I, heard the same thing. But that increased energy didn't come at the expense of smoothness. Maybe it didn't have *quite* the "woody" warmth of the Master, but the difference was pretty slight and didn't bother me at all.

I definitely understand the drawbacks of the component-specific approach, though I should mention that SRA now will "re-tune" your platform for a pretty nominal fee to fit the new component--provided that the shape of the new piece is relatively close in configuration to that of the old one. They might even offer a trade-in program, though I have to confirm that.

I never used Cerabases or Cerapucs with my Master Ref. I'm not even sure they were out yet when I had the rack. But I've heard both in different systems, and they do make a very nice improvement.

For your reference, you might find the following links useful:

Good luck!