Fi Elemente Pagode Master Ref amp platforms

Anyone had any expirience with them ? I'm thinking about getting the Pagode Master Reference HD09 to put under my amps.

I have read many rave reviews about Pagode Reference racks and personally use the Finite Elemente Cerapuc under my amps (with great results).

They look cool, too.

Showing 1 response by cipherjuris


I came across this thread and thought I'd add my experience with this isolation issue.

To clear up one factual error, I would like to point out that SRA products in the squared series are reconfigurable for different components and so are pretty much future proof as far as changing components is concerned. It would difficult to overemphasize the importance of this as component specific isolation is the only isolation I've experienced that does not have negatives that offset its positives.

I have Ohio Class XL plus isoBASES for my Lamm M1.2 monos (reconfigurable should I replace them with other monos) and twin double-wide Craz racks for everything else except my speakers. The Craz racks are also reconfigurable and therefore future proof as well.

These SRA products have transformed my system and given me the sound I had been looking for. I spent 6 months of intensive research into available isolation products and did not like anything until I finally was pointed to SRA and Kevin Tellekamp.

I could tell you many things about these products, but instead I will point you to an SRA webpage with another SRA customer's comments which I cannot improve upon, except to say that besides knowing more about isolation than anyone else with whom I've ever discussed the subject and being a total perfectionist, Kevin is a man of outstanding character:

I wish you all the best in your pursuant of the music.
