Fezz vs Raven

Hello all. I'm starting to look into adding a turntable to my system. I would like to pair said turntable with an integrated tube amp.  I want to get a set up that is good enough that I won't be looking to upgrade in a year. A Michell Technodec paired with a Fezz Evolution Titania was recomended to me by the gentleman at Auralhifi in Denver. Thinking is that that turntable and integrated tube amp are of high enough quality that they'll provide a listening experience that'll be hard to beat and keep me satisfied for years to come. Maybe not reference level but damn good. At the same price point as the Fezz is the Raven Nighthawk.  Both have good reviews and seem solid. Does anyone have experience with these brands?  What are your thoughts?  My speakers are 95db sensitive with active woofers so won't take much to drive. Thanks for any input. 


Showing 1 response by allears4u

I've owned the Raven Nighthawk for at least 5 years now. As a tube newbie I made every mistake imaginable. Wrong tubes in wrong spot, ran without a speaker connected. put too much nano contact enhancer on everything, This unit is super well built and reliable in the extreme. But more importantly, it punches way above its price point! The sheer humanness and shocking real-ness really grabs your attention. I have Klipsch Lascala II's, my source is primarily an Audiolab CDT6000 transport and a Nuprime SE9 DAC. What's underrated is the personal service the owners invested into my individual issues and questions. AND...the main owner Dave Thomson (Raven Dave) is a "tube guy" that treats your tube choices as a master chef giving you advice how to curate the perfect "flavours" of your amp to synchronize perfectly with your room, equipment , and personal tastes. Amazing Integrated amp and company, cannot recommend too highly!!