FEQ and Schumann Devices

According to Synergistic, you should not use their FEQ in conjunction with any Schumann generators. I love what (2) Scumanns bring to my room and have not tried the FEQ due to this. Has anyone else experimented with both technologies?

Showing 1 response by sgordon1

I started with one FEQ and two Schumanns in the room.

Then I bought three Schumanns (Ebay), the size of baseball cards.
Placed them in a triangle on the wall behind my speakers.
The middle piece about 7' height, the others at 6'.
Dividing the back wall approx. into quarters.

Attached one HFT in the middle of each new Schumann.

One big, happy family.  Mate well with ART system, too.