Fender Blues JR IV or fender 94’ twin.

This is for home/music room playing. I’m not looking for any distortion or overtime. I want to play ambient guitar with some reverb and delays pedals. I think the 94 is too loud for a bedroom that I will not be able to enjoy it. Opinions???

Im getting rid of my current Orange Micro Dark head with PPC112 so I’m getting out of the rock/metal guitar playing.


Showing 2 responses by edcyn

Not that this acoustic guy plays much electric guitar any more, but I’ve found electric guitar nirvana with my Carr Rambler. Yeah, the Pre-CBS Fender Vibrolux that I had for years gave me slightly better tone. But the Rambler is truly a honey of an amp. With either my custom shop Fender Telecaster or the Gibson Les Paul.

@bdp24 Thanks! Just Qobuzzed it up. I now feel worthwhile, not just some audio geek. Naturally I bought 'em both in the SFV. Norman's Rare Guitars. California Vintage Guitar & Amp. I can't remember which bought where.🙄