Feelies cover song question.

I went to see Dave Mason the other night - a fun show, by the way - but the most interesting moment may have come during the recorded music played in the club before Dave took the stage. They played a cover version of The Feelies' "Mambo Sun". The techs at the club didn't know and I can't find any info via Google. Any ideas who covered this tune?


Showing 2 responses by martykl


I lived in Hoboken, NJ in the early'80s and the Bongos were the de facto
house band at a local bar called Maxwell's. (The Feelies were another house
band there which is why I wrote Feelies in the original thread when I meant
Bongos.) I saw both bands at least a dozen times and each show seemed
better than the last. The Bongos also did a reunion show at the (late,
lamented) Bottom Line in NYC after the death of Don Byron (of The Marys and
Razor & Tie Records) that was among the best I've ever seen.


BTW James Mastro's solo shows (and his Health & Happiness stuff) are
wonderful. as well. Barone did some good solo work, too.