Feeding Maggie

Medium sized room(12'x30'x81/2') drywall,curtains,upholstered furniture,rugs over hard wood.
Classical(including jazz) at live performance amplitude.
What integrated amps would you feed a pair of Magnepan1.6qr's? Are there any you would not use?
I know,seperates are better,but money is an object.


Showing 1 response by hifiman

Run my modded 1.6's with an Adcom 200wpc and Morrison ELAD
preamp. Used, both sell for $800. Nothing gives you more
value for the buck! You need to add a zero ($8k) to hear
any improvement.Yes tubes are nice but tiring after a while.
For claasical and jazz this is the best for the $$ Add a
Fanfare FM tuner and you can enjoy Free Music = to CD's.
You have the right speaker,don't skimp on the amps.They
doo make a diference especially w/revealing Maggies.Enjoy !