Feedback/Ideas for New Magazine?

Hi Guys,

In perusing the forums here at A-gon it is very apparent to me that many of you do not trust commercial magazines and reviewers. Obviously, with any magazine the derives its income mainly from commercial advertising, questions always arise regarding reviewer bias and the mag's political slant. I constantly see the question, "Why are there no negative reviews?"

Having been a reviewer for 4 magazines, I know the insider's perspective of why there are very few negative reviews published. In life, it is true that you get what you pay for, and since many of the e-zines are free and the print mags are very inexpensive because they pack in lots of advertising dollars to cover their costs, this maxim holds true.

More and more lately, I've been leaning toward starting my own audio magazine, which would allow me the freedom to be unusually candid and truthful about the topics and review gear the magazine covers.

My question, is: "Would you be willing support a magazine that is mainly funded by subscriptions if you had to pay a minimal yearly fee for it?" Please be honest, because as much as I'd love to start a venture like this, there's no point in doing it if there won't be a market for it. I'm speaking of an online publication to begin with; print would come much later, if at all.

Let me know what you think, and feel free to e-mail me privately if you prefer.

Thank You!

Showing 2 responses by slappy

How about some real hot women draped all over the Rowland Amplifiers?

just kiddin... well.. maybe not.

I think it would be nice to get a magazine that doesent seem so Biased.

I'd like to see a magazine with no "Advertisements" only reviews and the real deal on audio gear.

I would like to have people with different personalities and tastes review each piece of gear.

I would like the opinion about a gear from the perspective by a hip-hop fan, a metal head, a classical afficianado, a blues fan, a country fan, etc etc. instead the apparent 45 year old wine tasting super-sucessful gentleman "clone"

Have each one of thm review the same piece of gear, get the different perspectives.

Not all audiophiles like fine wine and listen to classical, not all audiophiles wear dockers, wingtips and button up shirts. Some of us like to crank Metallica and wear jeans and a tshirt while chugging back Budweiser. Itt doesent mean my money is any less green, and it doesent mean i dont enjoy the same satisfaction of a high end system

Maybe if they would encorperate different types of persona and personalities on audio gear it would reduce the whole "Snobbery" and "Elitism" that seems to surround the whole audio hobby. Make it something everyone can enjoy.

I know this whole debate has raged before about what is music and what is crap, but remember, people who listen to opera, classical, jazz, blues, are far far far in the minority of tastes in america. There is a whole world of possible audiophiles that remains untapped, simply because the elitist snobbery has somewhat of a "club" mentality and all decide to trash the music of the masses.

You know WHY bose does so well? because it markets to EVERYONE, not just upper class white males who would rather sip fine scotch than work on a car engine.

Ahem, I meant no offence in my remark, i hope i dont spark anyones anger because that is not my intent. I have come to know many audiophiles on this board and i DO realise there are not many snobs on here, there are not many "Elitists" and alot of people hear listen to more than just classical than opera, there are rockers on here, "Goths" ive seen some poeple talking about Punk music, everything. This is definatly a cesspool of personalities, tastes, and viewpoints which High-end audio is not marketed to.

once again, i mean no offence!

Marco you rock!

BigKids, there is an idea right there.

Plato, why not have a part of the magazine dedicated to small mom-&-Pops audio companys? the ones who cannot afford advertising?

As marco said, getting gear sent to you for review from the known high-end companys requires connections.

Why not contact the mom & pops audio companys and ask for a demo of thier gear? you could set a section of the magazine aside for that purpose, and im sure that some of these people trying to get what could be very excellent products into the market would jump at the opportunity to have thier gear reviewed for all to see.

seek and find out the hidden gems?