Fee for home audition

I am in the market for a music server/streamer. I was discussing with one of the authorized dealers for a streamer. He had a demo unit and was willing to bring to my home for an hour and let me try. He is located around 10-15 minutes from my home. He wants to charge 5% for home demo. Is this the industry standard? I am not meaning to disparage anyone so not going to name the dealer. I am just trying to see what the standard practice is. 


Showing 1 response by attila7

An hour is a very short period of time to even get an idea of what it can or can't do? I purchased and hooked up a streamer almost a month ago and I'm still finding new features. A fee to audition is ridiculous in my opinion, sounds more like a rental shop than a retailer? I rent large power tools by the hour that I only need infrequently, not audio gear that I use frequently.