Fedex and Ups Damage thread

Just for giggles Wondering if your like to share your Damages from shipping.

Let me start thinks off.

Krell ksa-2 amp.  Knocked out of square   in for factory overhaul

Canary  ca-... Monos     Slammed, bent  back panel binding posts

Vac  140 monos   Completely destroyed 1 amp Lost the other...

Rogue 120 mons  Slammed back panel.

Jbl L300  Slammed broke out front baffle




Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

The key is to pick up and don't trust these people.  They won't pay a claim, they simply suck.  Also, insurance is no good unless they completely lose it.  Was just in Vegas, found a great used place that will not ship anything (they have had too many issues, imagine that).  Found a beautiful, early Threshold amp and shipped to myself via UPS.  Had a fragile stamp on 6 sides.  It looked like it had been punted, dropped, run over, dragged behind a truck and just plan fully violated.  Luckily, the amp was built like a tank and I had a 4" layer of bubble wrap around it, with paper padding additional.  Luckily, it sounds wonderful.