Favorite version of Grateful Dead's Aiko Aiko?

I'm looking for a great version of this song. I heard a few great ones a long time ago but don't recall when they were recorded. Anyone here have a favorite?

Showing 4 responses by achilles

I actually meant which Dead version is good. I'll have to try these others though. I have a Dr. John version which I like.
Yes, the Dead spelled it Iko Iko.
Thanks for the tips. I can't wait to hear what you've suggested!
Awesome! I'll check out Crimson, White, And Indigo, Professor Longhair, Dixie Cups, Cindy Lauper and the rest.
That's cool that Warren Zevon did it. I have a version of the Dead doing his song Werewolves of London, which is fair to middlin'. I'm biased, though; this Zevon song is one of my all time faves.
Who knew there were so many versions of Iko?
Thanks for all the tips!
I have to say, I like the Belle Stars version and the Dead's from Crimson White & Indigo best so far. Warren Zevons is a little crazy, at least the fast version they have on amazon.
I got Crimson, White and Indigo. It does contain a nice version. But I really like the "Blow Away" they played that night!